Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soiling the Air

To say that my daughter Linda has a keen sense of smell is like saying that Tiger Woods is good at putt-putt golf.

Linda has the nose of a bloodhound. Nothing gets past her.

Case in point: I stopped at the mall on the way home from work last December to pick up a gift for her from Abercrombie. When I walked in the house Linda said, “Mom, why do you smell like Abercrombie?”

I had been in the store for all of 3 minutes.

Usually, it’s the stinky things that she notices. She NEVER misses a fart.

EUUUUU!  Mom, did you pass gas?”
“She who smelt it dealt it,” I say, very maturely.

(For I have never farted in my life. I’m way too lady-like for that.)

I’m not pointing fingers, but somebody in my house does. And I have the perfect product for this individual. Subtle Butt: The Disposable Gas Neutralizer.

According to the Subtle Butt web site, “This pack of 5 saving graces (also affectionately known as fart pads or fart filters) effectively filters the odor caused by flatulence; simply stick one in the right place and you're ready for a chili cook-off.”

But, they’re a bit on the pricey side, at $11.95.

I know what you're thinking.  Lou, don't tell me that you can make your own Nerdling version of Subtle Butt Disposable Gas Neutralizer?

Yes. That's exactly what I can do. Only I am going to significantly increase the functionality and overall value of the product.

The Nerdling Version of the Subtle Butt will not only neutralize the stink, but transform it to your choice of Vanilla Lavender or Spice Blossom.

I believe they sell dryer sheets at the Dollar Store.

I can sell these right next to the Nerdling Headband Camel Toe Cup at my kiosk at the mall. 

I think they will make fine companion products!

I must get busy with my sales video.  C.C. Colton was right. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

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