Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Moving Out of Order

Robert's Rules of Order make me giggle.

I can't help it!  It's either giggle or groan and giggling's way more fun.

I was at a board meeting today that was completely overflowing with attorneys.   I think one of them was named Robert. 

"I move that we blah blah blah blah blah for blah blah in blah blah until blah blah.  Pursuant to blah blah, I move that blah blah blah at blah blah," Robert declared.

Another lawyer replied, "I second the motion."
Madam Chair said, "All in favor say 'Aye'".
 "All opposed say 'Nay'".
 "The motion stands."

Then Robert reconsidered. "Upon second thought, we were in executive discussion when I made that motion.  I move that we end executive discussion so I can re-make the motion in peon mode."

A third lawyer replied, "I second the motion to re-make the motion."

I groaned.

Madam Chair said, "All in favor say 'Aye'".
 "All opposed say 'Nay'".
"The motion stands."

We apparently entered peon mode and Robert said. "I move that we blah blah blah blah blah for blah blah in blah blah until blah blah.  Pursuant to blah blah I move that blah blah blah at blah blah".

I replied, "I second the blah blah".  (Not really, but I wanted to.)

There were more moves in that 1 hour meeting than in a month of  Body Jam classes! 

Which gave me an idea.  I jumped up on the board room table.

"You want to see a motion?!?!" I said.  "Watch this!"   I started pumping and moving my hips and began singing "What you gon' do with all that junk? All that junk inside your trunk?"

"I move that we remove Lou from the board room table", Robert said, in a panic. 

"No!  I move that you let me move!" I screamed!  I started singing my Gypsy strip song, "She can uh.. she can uh.. she can uh uh uh..."

That's when the meeting was adjourned and my day dream slash fantasy ended.

Too bad. I was having a stinkin' good time.  

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! Should be manditory for all meetings to end this way!! :-)
