Friday, September 16, 2011

Go Fish Face

I've blogged before about my inability to keep a Poker face.

I'm afraid it's gotten worse.

Tonight I couldn't even keep a "Go-Fish" face.

If you have ever read my blog, you may have picked up on the fact that I have a rather goofy sense of humor.  Well, the closing scene of "Anything Goes" contains some outrageously goofy dialogue. (Right up my alley.) 

And that poses a problem for me.

You see, I am supposed to be a passenger aboard the U.S.S. American, an ocean liner traveling from New York to England in 1934.  And when *spoiler alert* Billy and Moon Face run onstage disguised as Chinese men and stop about 9 inches directly in front of me and say things like "No can marwy... Pwum Bwossom...Wittle Pwum Pwudding... etcewa...etcetwa..etcewta" I have a VEWRY difficult time staying in character.

Tonight was opening night, and for the first time Billy and Moon Face were wearing their doo-rags with braids going down their backs. 

I found it extremely funny.  

Giggle worthy.

I bit my tongue. I knew I had to retain my composure.  I had to think about something sobering...utterly mournful.  So I flashed back to all those (8...count'm, 8) unsuccessful high school cheerleading auditions.

OK.... I had my composure back. I could once again pass for a passenger aboard the U.S.S. American in 1934: one who was very confused about the antics happening right in front of her.

That's when I made my critical error.  I looked at the actor standing one person down from me. 

She was trying desperately to contain her own laughter to the point that she had tears running down her face. I heard her whisper to the guy on my left,  "Don't let Lou look at me."

I had to look. (It sounded like a dare.)

That's when I lost my "Go-Fish" face.

We were like Tim Conway and Harvey Korman on the Carol Burnett show.

I needed to compose myself!  We had a sold out house!!!!  I looked away. I thought about the Holocaust:  Adolph Hitler. 
 It was nearly impossible to control my Go-Fish face.

Finally the Captain of the S.S. American brought Kevin on stage and handed him to his stage mom.

Thank God for my A.D.D.  I thought to myself, "what a cute dog!" 

And then it was curtain call.  Whew.

But I don't think I'm going to win any stinkin' Tony award for my performance.

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